Radio Frequency Treatment (OptiPLUS)

With Lumenis radiofrequency (RF) treatment, we can soothe dry eyes and target fine lines and wrinkles. 

When dry eyes impact your quality of life, we’ll help you find advanced solutions for lasting relief from gritty irritation, blurred vision, and light sensitivity. Lumenis radiofrequency (RF) treatment relieves dry eyes by reducing inflammation and improving the quality of your tear film. 

For patients looking for highly tailored anti-aging effects, Dr. Austin will use RF treatment to boost your collagen production and address inflammation.

Introducing OptiPLUS!

Innovative, FDA-cleared, dual frequency RF technology that seamlessly integrates into your workflow. Now, you can precisely reach different skin layers to enhance blood circulation, collagen production and target Meibomian glands.

How Radio Frequency treatment helps dry eyes

During your dry eye examination we will identify the underlying causes of your symptoms and create a custom treatment plan. Your plan might include OptiPLUS treatment combined with other strategies, including nutrition counseling and specialized eye drops, to relieve your discomfort and any associated vision symptoms. 

The meibomian glands, located around the edges of your eyelid, are responsible for producing the oils that keep your tear film from evaporating too quickly. Sometimes, they might get clogged or the oil may become thickened. When this happens, your tears can no longer moisturize and protect your eyes.

The radiofrequency energy penetrates deep into the tissues of the eyelids to and helps to restore the natural balance of oils and tears that keep the surface of the eye healthy and lubricated. It releases clogged oil while also targeting the inflammation that makes dry eye symptoms worse.